Coaching Services

List of Services

What is a financial coach?

A financial coach gives you the tools to define your money vision, make your money work for you, and realize your financial goals. Financial advice is everywhere, but knowing what to do is different than actually doing it.  Coaching focuses on your behaviors. No judging. No shaming. No guilt. It's about moving forward, not looking back.  

Is financial coaching worth it?  

Yes!  We help you control your money so your money isn't controlling you. You'll be set on the path of financial peace of mind, and that feeling is priceless.

Below are some of the areas where we can guide you. 

Agile Coaching Services, LLC provides Ramsey Master Financial Coach trained Financial Coach to work with you to become debt free!

Creating and managing your personal spending plan (the budget)

Don't call it a budget, call it a spending plan.  Budgets sound like they control you, but you control your spending plan. We will help you figure out a spending plan that works for you and see what's truly coming in and what's going out. 

Creating a plan to tackle your debt

Is debt stressing you out?  Learn strategies and tools to save an emergency fund and reduce and ultimately eliminate your debt. You'll learn how to put in the work and get different outcomes than you did in the past.   Break generational cycles of financial mismanagement and start building a legacy you'll be proud of.

Post divorce money planning

Divorce turns your financial world upside down.  Goals and dreams are suddenly gone, and to move forward you need to establish new ones.  At the same time, you have to work through all the fears and doubts of all the unknowns facing you.  We can guide you on this journey, and can recommend specialists in our trusted provider network where needed. 

Saving for college

There's a great deal of choices that need to be made to successfully manage saving and planning for college.  We can help you understand the options and lay out a plan for success without student loans. 

Navigating student loans

If you have student loans already, there's a great deal of confusion and misinformation out there on student loans and student loan payments.  We can teach you the facts and the potential impacts and pitfalls of your student loan decisions. 

Managing an inheritance

When you get an inheritance, a lot of choices and decisions come up.  We can help you consider all of your options, honor your loved ones, and have peace with your decision.

Handling the collections process

Are debt collectors driving you crazy?  We can teach you the laws around debt collection so you know your rights, and give you strategies to make the debt collection process easier. 

Managing the foreclosure process

Foreclosure is scary.  We can educate you and help you feel back in control of the process.

Managing bankruptcy

Bankruptcy should be a last resort.  We can work with you to understand where you truly are in the process.  We can review the rules and impacts for the different types of bankruptcies to help you understand what can be done.

Estate planning

Estate planning can be complicated, learn the basics and what you can do on your own and when you need one of our certified estate planners in our trusted provider network.

Insurance coverage

Learn what insurance you actually need and when you need it, and tap into our specialists in our trusted provider network where needed.

Planning and saving for retirement

Retirement is not an age, it's a financial number.  Come up with a solid plan for what that number will be and how to achieve it.  When you are ready, we can also recommend you to a financial planner in our trusted provider network.

Legacy Planning

We can help you put together all the documents your family will need to carry on without you. There's no greater legacy than leaving key information accessible to your loved ones to help their peace of mind during such a difficult time.